- camera - A camera is a device that stores images on film in order to create a photograph. aparat fotograficzny
- develop - To develop film is to use the images that are stored on film to create a photograph. wywołać (zdjęcie)
- exposure - the process of allowing light to enter a camera in order to take a photograph. czas naświetlania
- film - Film is a material that is used in cameras to store an image. film, klisza
- flash - A flash is a brief bright light that is used to light a subject that is being photographed. flesz, lampa błyskowa
- focus - To focus something is to adjust something, such as a camera lens, so that an image becomes clearer. wyostrzyć
- lens - A lens is a piece of curved glass that is used to adjust the appearance of something through a camera. obiektyw
- negative - A negative is an image that is stored on film in which light and dark areas appear reversed. negatyw
- photographer - A photographer is someone who uses a camera to create pictures. fotograf
- shoot - To shoot something is to take a picture of something with a camera. sfotografować. sfotografować
- shutter speed - the length of time that light enters a camera while a photograph is taken, and affects the way that changes in light or movement appear in the photograph. czas naświetlania
- tripod - A tripod is a support stand with three legs that is used to hold a camera. statyw