


  • digital camera - A digital camera is a device that takes photographs and stores them electronically. aparat cyfrowy
  • DPI - DPI (dots per inch) is the measurement of the resolution of a computer screen. DPI (liczba punktów obrazu przypadająca na cal)
  • glossy - If something is glossy, it has a surface that is shiny. błyszczący, lśniący
  • inkjet printer - An inkjet printer is a printer that produces images by spraying ink on paper. drukarka atramentowa
  • laser printer - A laser printer is a printer that produces images with a strong, narrow beam of light. drukarka laserowa
  • matte - If something is matte, if it has a surface that is not shiny. matowy (wymowa)
  • printer - A printer is a device that transfers images or documents from a computer to paper. drukarka
  • scanner - A scanner is an electronic device that copies images or documents and transfers them onto a computer. skaner
  • scanning area - The scanning area is the area on a scanner where an image is copied. obszar skanowania
  • USB - A USB is an electronic device that allows a computer to connect to another device, such as a printer or scanner or external drive. USB (Universal Serial Bus - Uniwersalna Magistrala Szeregowa)