

  • Digital photography is the act of creating pictures with a camera that uses an electronic image sensor. fotografia cyfrowa
  • An image sensor is a device on a camera that converts an image into an electronic signal. matryca światłoczuła
  • An SD card is an electronic memory device that stores digital information, such as photographs. karta SD
  • point-and-shoot If a camera is point-and-shoot, it is a simple camera that is designed so that the image seen in the viewfinder is slightly different from the image that is actually captured and stored. aparat kompaktowy
  • An aperture is a part of a camera that controls how much light enters the lens when a photograph is taken. przysłona (w aparacie fotograficznym)
  • ISO speed is the measurement of a camera’s sensitivity to light, which affects how well it can capture clear images in different levels of light. ISO (wartość liczbowa opisująca czułość aparatu na światło)
  • White balance is the adjustment of colors in a photograph so that white areas do not take on inaccurate tints. balans bieli
  • An LCD (liquid crystal display) is a flat-screen, low-energy electronic display that is used to show images on devices such as digital cameras. wyświetlacz ciekłokrystaliczny LCD
  • A reflex mirror is a reflective part inside a camera that allows a photographer to look through the viewfinder and see what will be photographed. lustro (wewnętrzny element lustrzanki jednoobiektywowej)
  • optical zoom An optical zoom is a setting on a camera that physically extends the lens to make an image seem closer. zoom optyczny
  • A digital zoom is a setting on a camera that makes an image seem closer by taking a small part of a picture and enlarging it. zoom cyfrowy