- acrylic - If paint is acrylic, it is made with water and plastic substances. akrylowy
- brush - A brush is a tool with many hairs at one end that is used to spread a material, such as paint. pędzel
- clay - Clay is a heavy material that starts as a soft substance but becomes very hard under high heat. glina
- easel - An easel is a structure that holds a painting while an artist paints. sztaluga
- glaze - A glaze is a liquid substance that dries into a hard, shiny coating. glazura, emalia
- kiln - A kiln is a type of oven that gets very hot and is used to harden clay. piec (do wypalania)
- oil based - If paint is oil-based, it is made with a slick substance that cannot be dissolved in water. olejny
- smock - A smock is a loose shirt that is worn to protect the clothing underneath from becoming dirty. fartuch, kitel
- thinner - A thinner is a product that makes paint flow more smoothly and can also be used to clean paint from brushes and other supplies. rozpuszczalnik
- watercolor - A watercolor is a thin paint that is made by mixing pigment with water. akwarela, farba wodna