

A color wheel is a circular chart that displays the spectrum of primary and secondary colors. koło barw

A complementary color is a hue that is opposite another hue on the color wheel, and does not contain the same primary colors. barwa dopełniająca

If a color is dull, it is not strong or bright. zmatowiały; matowy (np. kolor)

A hue is a type of color, such as red or green. odcień

Intensity is how strong or forceful something is. intensywność

A pigment is a material or substance that is used to create a particular color. pigment

A primary color is one of the three colors that is used to make other colors. Red, yellow, and blue are the primary colors. kolor podstawowy

A complementary color is a hue that is opposite another hue on the color wheel, and does not contain the same primary colors. barwa dopełniająca

A secondary color is a color that is created when two primary colors are mixed
together. Orange, green, and purple are secondary colors. kolor pochodny

A shade is how light or dark something is. odcień

The color spectrum is the group of all colors, showing primary colors and the range of colors in between that are created by combining them. spektrum (kolorów)

If a color is vibrant, it is very strong or bright. jaskrawy, jasny